BANQUET SAIGON BANQUET $43 per head (minimum 3 people) Soup Chicken, Mushroom & Gingko Nut Soup Entree Combination Vietnamese Spring Rolls + Beef Lalop Beef with Chill / & Lemongrass Main Course Sizzling Seafood in Ginger Sauce Beef with Chill / & Lemongrass Special Fried RiceSteamed Rice Drinks A selection of either hot green or jasmine tea VUNG TAU BANQUET $53 pér head (minimum 4 people) Soup Chicken,/Mushroom & Gingko Nut Soup Entree Vietnamese Chicken Coleslaw & Flaky Prawns Beef in Coconut Cream Main Course Sizzling Chicken Honey & Pepper Beef in Coconut Cream Salted SquidSpecial Fried RiceSteamed Rice Dessert & Coffee Range of selections from the Dessert Menu